CITNJ police based crisis intervention training with community mental health care and advocacy partnerships.

On behalf of CIT-NJ Center of Excellence Program, we here from New Jersey CIT would like to thank our host speakers, workshop leaders, students, physicians, and advocates who contributed to making this year’s CIT International conference in Ft. Lauderdale, FL a huge success!

The Conference had over 950 people from across the U.S. and broad come together to share, learn, network and keep CIT Programs growing and going.  CIT-NJ was well represented with 14 CIT attendees.  CIT-NJ Union County Coordinators Lt. Abdul Williams and Maureen O’Brien  also presented during the conference.

During the CIT International Conference CIT-NJ Center of Excellence was awarded 2017 CIT pin of the year. Our pin takes its roots from the Celtic history. The triangle represents the trinity knot whose meaning is past ,present and future. The past we learn from to strengthen our CIT Program. The present is where our program is currently serving and using our strengths, knowledge and collaboration skills. The future is where we want to go. We want to grown our CIT Program and create deeper roots in the community with our collaborative partners. The circle represents unity without end. CIT is a fluid and shows how the program is always in motion always growing and improving while the 3 points is always thinking outside our circle and who we need to collaborate with.

We hope everyone was able to take advantage of the multitude of activities throughout the conference. More importantly, we hope your experience was filled with opportunities for personal growth, networking, learning, and overall fun!

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